Planification d'un jardin de pollinisateurs

Langue vivante
- Connaître quelques besoins vitaux des végétaux.
- Comprendre le cycle de vie des êtres vivants.
- Maitriser la syntaxe de la description simple (lieux, espaces, personnes).
Relation avec les programmes

Cycle 2 - Programme 2020-2024

  • Décrire brièvement des personnes, des objets ou des animaux familiers après y avoir été entraîné.
  • Connaitre des caractéristiques du monde vivant, ses interactions, sa diversité.
  • Comprendre le cycle de vie des êtres vivants.
  • Connaître quelques besoins vitaux des végétaux.
  • Participer à des échanges simples pour être entendu et compris dans quelques situations diversifiées de la vie quotidienne.
  • (Se) repérer et (se) déplacer en utilisant des repères et des représentations.
  • Produire des représentations des espaces familiers (l’école, les espaces proches de l’école, le village, le quartier) et moins familiers (vécus lors de sorties) : - quelques modes de représentation de l’espace (maquettes, plans, photos).
  • Coopérer dans un projet artistique.
  • Employer divers outils, dont ceux numériques, pour représenter.
  • Prendre en compte l'influence des outils, supports, matériaux, gestes sur la représentation en deux et en trois dimensions.
Créée le 13 mars 2024
Modifiée le 13 mars 2024
8 téléchargements
2 coups de coeur
CC-BY-NC-SALicence Creative Commons : Paternité - Pas d'utilisation commerciale - Partage des conditions initiales à l'identique ?.

Class Activity-Workshop-making seed bombs. The seed bombs are made using coloured recycled paper.
Outdoor Learning-Visiting the garden space
Dividing the garden space into sections to allow flow and access to all areas of the pollinator garden
Marking out of garden sections
Class Activity-Using templates of the garden space to design a pollinator garden, incorporating fixed structures, access for abled bodied and nonabled bodied students, work stations/observation points.
Class Activity-Individual work placing the listed plants within the garden templates taking into consideration plant height and exposition to the sun.
Outdoor Learning- Collective activity- the students are given a colour coded puzzle of the garden. Each sector of the pollinator garden is colour coded. Working together the students need to complte the puzzle. Once completed they partake in a treasure hunt to find, within the garden space, their seedbombs of a specific colour.
Once each group collected their seed bombs they throw the bombs in their colour coordinated area.

Déroulement des séances


Planning the Garden

Dernière mise à jour le 13 mars 2024
Discipline / domaine
Langue vivante
Planning the pollinator garden, size, shape and features
185 minutes (5 phases)
short wooden pegs and string for outlining the garden

1. Discovery of the garden space and planning the pollinator garden

collectif | 40 min. | découverte

Vocabulary: garden, trees, plants, hedge, flowers, bushes, shrub, plant, grow, soil, water, sunlight, shade.

Recycled vocabulary: shapes, rectangle, square, oval….

Prior knowledge: cardinal points, surprise, sunset, day, night.

Outdoor Learning-Visiting the garden space

The teacher explains to the students that they are going to decide on the areas of the garden that will be planted for the pollinator garden. Together with the teacher the students explore the space and take into consideration the exposure to the sun, slope of the terrain, access to a water source, existing trees and shade.

Group Discussion: The teacher will explain to the students that the garden will be used to study the plants and pollinators. Illicit from the students how they can plan the garden to make it accessible for everyone, (possible responses garden paths and walkways).

The students are encouraged to think about the layout of the garden…… should it take on a natural or more formal shape, rectangle, square, oval.  Should the garden be one big space or divided up into smaller areas?

Activity: Once a decision has been reached the students work together dividing the garden space into sections using short wooden posts and string. 

2. Phase 2

collectif | 40 min. | découverte

Seance 2

Class Activity-Using templates of the garden space to design a pollinator garden, incorporating fixed structures, access for abled bodied and non abled bodied students, work stations/observation points.


3. Phase 3

collectif | 40 min. | découverte

Seance 3

Class Activity-Individual work placing the listed plants within the garden templates taking into consideration plant height and exposition to the sun.

4. Phase 4

collectif | 40 min. | découverte


Outdoor Learning- Collective activity- the students are given a colour coded puzzle of the garden. Each sector of the pollinator garden is colour coded. Working together the students need to complte the puzzle. Once completed they partake in a treasure hunt to find, within the garden space, their seedbombs of a specific colour.

5. Phase 5

collectif | 25 min. | découverte

Tache Finale

Once each group collected their seed bombs they throw the bombs in their colour coordinated area.